Friday, March 27, 2009

SPRING! (or running without tights and a headband!)

Yahoo - took my first outside run last night since Austin.
I ran in the daylight after work, got home just before dark
Only 3.5 miles (around Angle Lake) but it felt wonderful - 50F and DRY - I WORE Shorts!
Daffodils are blooming, everyone's yards are starting to come back to life.

Wow - I may like training for a marathon in warmer weather!
Bring it on

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nike Women's Marathon

It looks like we're in! Both Lee and I see charges for the marathon on our credit cards. Oh boy, here we go again. San Francisco get ready, here we come.
We'll be back to the organized group training runs by July, so feel free to join us. We definitely enjoy the company.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

TIME TO SIGN UP - Nike Women's Marathon 10/18/09

Melinda, Jen and anyone interested in signing up for the Nike Women's Marathon LOTTERY as a group!

you have until midnight Wed 3/18 to sign up
Use my leespencer6 hotmail email address as the group name

If we get picked - we all go!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Port Ludlow - 20 Hilly Miles!

What a great weekend!

Karen, Dennis and Jacob were wonderful support for a fabulous training run - what a way to get 20 hilly miles done (my first 20 mile run)!

This was a challenging training run - it was great to do it with friends in a beautiful location.
I loved Karen and Dennis' hospitality and even loved Karen's route choice (after I was done)! Running all of the hills gave me a lot of confidence for Austin!

(Photos are from Finish to Start - and I'm still struggling w/ matching the captions w/ the photos)

Here is our group photo - after the run and a wonderful lunch!
Front row - Hailey's tail
Seated - Melinda
Crouched - Lee (how did I do that after 20 miles?)
Left to Right - Jacob, Andrew, Emily, Jen, Karen & Dennis

Maintenance and recovery - some tired feet and shins

Emily, Me and Melinda - Cold but happy -we are done

Go Jen Go!

I'm not sure I was that happy at this point - but Jacob's encouragement must have lifted my spirits.

It must be easier to take photos of the "less fast" runners!
Jacob could only catch these two as they motored up another hill!

Jen, Karen & I at the bottom of the first 4 miles (w/ a conveniently placed car for extra water and food supplies)

Most of the photos above (photos w/o snow) are from the middle or second half of the run (depending on if you finished the third and final "flat" 3 mile leg or missed the turn and made the second leg longer by 3 miles trying to find your way back:).

The second leg was a great route - w/ views of the water and more gradual hills. None of the 20 miles was was flat - but most of the hills on the middle/second let were smaller than the HILLS from the first leg)

Jacob - along w/ providing encouragement and support - acted as paparazzi! I love how he can take an action photo series of us coming and going!

The photos (above and below) w/ snow are from the first leg. We started out with a HILLY 4 mile out and HILLY 4 mile back.
The morning started off - COLD and a little icy w/ snow on the trees and the side of the road - but luckily it wasn't snowing, sleeting, raining or frozen fog.

And just above freezing temps are easily tamed by HILLS! (who knew I'd be so warm - thanks Karen!)

Here is Jacob powering up the first hill on the way back - it was steeper than the photo shows.

Andrew - running, waving and shouting to me as he speeds by down the hill that I'm still going up!

Jen working on the first big hill - what a way to start a 20 mile run.

At the start - Dennis - ready to ride all those hills to watch over and encourage us

How official! A race banner to welcome us!

Emily and Melinda model their beverage of choice at our water/food/special needs stop/table
(Ok - it was the start and finish too) and it worked out great.

And here we are bundled up and ready!

Melinda is a morning person - looking so snazzy in her fabulous running hoody w/ the pony tail and thumb openings!

Andrew with his movie star/burgler look - ready to run

After a comfortable night's rest in Karen & Dennis's beach house - Jen is ready to go (can't you tell?)

The Start!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Training photos

After much delay - here are my pics from our marathon training
(Port Ludlow pics will be next post)

Jan 17 run - starting at Leshi, ending at Blu Water Cafe for breakfast.

Freezing fog wasn't too bad, the hills were fine (even the extra hills I did when I got lost) and the breakfast was yummy!

Debi and Sarah - meet us pre run \/

Thur night run on Mercer island

My new shoes and toe socks

love the headlamps!

Melinda's cute new haircut - before the next cute new haircut

hanging out in the parking lot as we get ready - I love how the reflective stuff shows up in photos

TWO loops of Lake Young 1/10/09!

fueling up for the second loop

Jen runs up the last set of hills to finish the first loop

Who ever suggest the reverse direction for the second loop was a genius - it was so much fun to see everyone as they started their second loop!

Emily and Melinda take the road to avoid all the mud/puddles


Barb (has amazing focus while running- or was listening to a great song)


Mary Kay & Jen

Thursday night at Sturgis park
w/ Sarah H and no rain!

Ok maybe it rained a little - but it didn't pour and we weren't dripping wet, which was an improvement over some other Thursday night runs.

West Lake Sammamish trail - all smiles after the run and a hot drink

Doesn't Emily look colorful?

Amazing what she will wear when freezing cold

Melinda, Emily, Emma (joined us for her first ever 13 mile run) and Jen.

The tailgate makes a good hot drink bar w/ my new thermos!


Freezing but happy

Luna Park - New Year's day

Yes - I tried to get out of the New Year's day run - but my wonderful friends kept me on track (peer pressure saves my training plan, again) !

Nov 15 - group run starting in Leshi w/ Sunshine!

Kneeling - Lauren and Sarah H
L to R - Lee, Barb, Steve, Jen, MaryKay and Andrew.

I remember thinking as I struggled on this run to complete 14 miles (my first run longer than 13.1) that I couldn't see how it was possible for me to run 26.2.

I'm glad I had your encouragement and support to get through the training - thanks