Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bainbridge Island - the pictures

7:55 Ferry trip over to Bainbridge - (l to r) Kate, Andrew, Scot (my brother), Jeff & Jacob
cloudy & spitting - looks like the weather might improve
Rainy and dark (I had to lighten the photo a ton) but still a beautiful place to ride!

Kate providing commentary, Rod holding my new bike (trying not to say "I told you to be careful!"), and Scot amused

Jeff, Jacob and Andrew waiting patiently for me to get myself together

Wet corner = slow down

Jeff enjoying the yummy food at Real Food market & cafe (looking good - sporting his IM Cozomel kit :)
This is a great place to stop for refueling (and they were very nice to provide me ice for my hip).  Kate and I amused ourselves looking at some of the fun stuff in the store.  Too bad the paperdoll kit w/ classic dancing movie characters (i.e. JT from sat night fever, JG & PS from dirty dancing, & JB from flash dance) were not perforated - who has time to cut out paper dolls?

Wet waiting for ferry home - no one was really interested in a second loop.

The best part of a group ride - laughing w/ training partners!
makes a "bad" ride much better

wet helmet, wet shoes, wet seat

Reminder to self
  • slow down on wet pavement
  • slow down on sharp corners
  • new bike is more responsive & handles differently
  • use more caution

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bainbridge Island Ride - Sat April 17

Saturday Morning
Catch the 7:55 AM Ferry to Bainbridge
Ride two (or three if you are really ambitious!) loops of the chilly hilly route
We can break into groups based on speed
Meet for lunch while waiting for ferry  - head back early afternoon

Based on the email - Tony, Scot (my brother), Rod, Jeff W, Lauren, Kate and Jacob were interested
post a comment if you plan on joining me

I changed the comments setting - anyone should be able to comment now.

7:55 am ferry (bikes load first  - it suggest you be there 20 min before sailing time or last if you are late)
Cost at Seattle dock - $7.90/bike rider  (no cost for return trip)

After ride and lunch - ferry's back to seattle at 1:10, 2:05 & 2:55  (35 min sailing time)

See  you on the ferry!