Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Run Sunday, July 5th

Okay, as promised, here is the first group run for the fall marathon season.

Start / Finish Location: Leschi

Finish time: 10:30 AM

Since people are training for several different marathons, we will be running different distances (and paces) this season. So rather than one set start time, I decided to try a finish time. Post your planned distance and running time, then we'll match up people for start times. I know, sounds confusing, and it might not work, but it will mean those speedy runners won't be standing around for an hour at the end. Can't make the run, feel free to join us for coffee or breakfasdt afterward.

I plan to run 14 miles; if anyone wants to join me, meet me at Leschi at 8 AM.

I think Emily and Jen are planning to run around 4 miles.

Happy 4th of July

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rock n Roll!

Congratulations to all of you who ran the rock n rol marathon yesturday! What a beautiful day for a race. I hope everyone had a great race and enjoyed themselves.
Miss you all - and am looking forward to training with you for San Fran.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Run this weekend

I was going to post a run for Saturday, but I hurt my back Wednesday night and it is still not better. I'm hoping to run Sunday morning, but am unsure. If want to run Sunday, let me know.

Good luck to those running Rock and Roll this weekend. I wish I was going to be out there with you.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Run - Sat 6/13 10 am Lake Youngs

Steve and I are running Lake Youngs - Sat 10 am start
Do you want to join us??

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ready to Run?

It is time to start training for Fall marathons. I know, hard to belive. As we all know, the training runs are much more fun together. So, we will start organizing Saturday morning long runs in the next couple of weeks. The more people who join us, the better, so invite family, friends, the neighbor's dog. If you're not up to running right now, please join us and plan to walk or walk/run. Are you ready?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Why kick?

More swim info to keep the June theme going

I swim w/ the Federal Way masters swim group and love it.
Our coach, Wendy, regularly incorporates kick drills into our workouts (I do NOT love them).
I always do the drills to the best of my ability and I've had some ah ha moments and my kick has improved (slowly).

After reading this article on line,
Training Tip - Boosting Your Kick By LifeSport Coach Lance Watson
the link is below - it is worth reading
I want to say Thank you Wendy! I'm a better open water swimmer because of your coaching!
and for all you triathletes who don't think you need to kick to save your legs for the bike/run - hopefully the article provides some insight to the value of a good kick!

Swim like a fish!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Swim, Swim, Swim

Last winter was the run, run, run and my first Marathon!
This Summer is swim, swim, swim!

I'm planning on my first 3 mile swim (Fat Salmon 7/18) and swimming across the Sound (BR memorial Swim 8/22)

Here is some info about some open water swims available in the area - there are different length versions for each event (something for everyone!)

1) Friday Night swim series - Lake Meridian in Kent
First race June 12th, then 7/10 and 8/7
.5 or 1.2 or 2.4 mile options
More info

2) Fat Salmon July 18th
1.2 and 3.2 mile options
registration opened May 1st - (this one sells out each year)

3) Brent Rice Memorial Swim the Sound
2.3 mile across the sound swim
Sat 8/22
(yes I'll be doing this one with my brother - yes I'm nuts!

Also - you are invited to join me for Wednesday night swims at Angle lake (let me know if you need more info)

Swim like a fish!